By Remy Reed and Kobe Hescott
Introduction“Hello?” Yes, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, a very important device. Without it, you might not be able to talk to your grandparents. Our person is Alexander Graham Bell, his life was very exciting.
BornExciting, that’s Alexander Graham Bell ‘s childhood. Alexander Bell was born on March 3, 1847 in Scotland. His nickname was Alec. Sadly, his mother was deaf.
EducationIn 1857, Alec attended school. He hated school, he would have rather been at home playing the piano.
New NameAfter two month at school, Alec decided he needed a middle name. Alec got Graham from his grandpa. Now his full name was Alexander Graham Bell.
InventionsIn 1859, Alec came up with the idea of the wheat husker, a machine to make husking wheat easier. He was only 12 years old at the time. Then when he was 15, he made a talking machine in the voice of a baby “mama."
Teaching JobsIn 1863, when he was only sixteen, he became a physics teacher. Some of his students were taller and older than he was.
BrothersIn 1867, his brother Melville James died from tuberculosis. 3 years later, his brother Edward Charles died from the same disease. This left Alec alone with only his parents.
CanadaIn 1870, Alexander Graham Bell moved to a small town in Canada. Alex bought a big house, not a mansion.
DanielA year later in 1871, Alec got a job trying to help the deaf speak. Alec had a favorite student named Daniel, who had a rather squeaky voice. In the middle of the first semester, Daniel quit trying to speak and left for the train station. Alec was too late to catch him, Daniel had left.
More InventingIn 1879, Alec got the idea for the harmonic telegraph. The harmonic telegraph sends messages across electric wires.
Starting the TelephoneIn 1874, Alec came up with the telephone but Mr. Hubbard, his boss thought it was impossible. Alec told Mr. Hubbard “I know we can do it, it’s possible just give me some time”, but Mr. Hubbard shouted back “I’m paying you to work on the telegraph, not some nonsense that you made up, now good bye.” Slam, he slammed the door shut which made Alec very disappointed.
Mr. WatsonOne year later, Alexander Graham Bell met a man named Thomas Watson. Mr. Watson owned his own electric shop. They worked on the telephone together, in Mr. Watson’s shop.
MabelIn 1875, Alec started to fall in love with one of his students, Mabel Hubbard. He later became engaged to Mabel.
It WorksOne day, Alec and Mr. Watson were working on the telephone in different rooms across electric wires. In a couple minutes, Alec heard Mr. Watson from the other room. “It’s possible” Alec yelled. “It actually works!” Alec started dancing.
Marriage and ChildrenIn 1877, Alexander Graham Bell married Mabel Hubbard. Mabel was one of Alec’s students. Alec was 30 and Mabel was only 18.
Later in 1878, Mabel Bell gave birth to little Elsie May Bell. She was the third person in their family. In 1880, the Bell’s had their second child Marian, but Marian preferred to be called Daisy.
Photo PhoneIn 1880, Alec made the photo phone, a device that sends sound waves through the air.
MovingStill in 1880, the Bell family moved to Washington D.C. and built a house there. It was a little bigger than their old house because of their new child Marian/Daisy.
Metal DetectorThe next year in 1881, Alex invented the metal detector. He invented it because Abe Lincoln got shot. Everybody wanted to find the bullet, but it appears the bullet was lead.
Poor ChildAlso in 1881, Alec had his third child who unfortunately died two hours later from lung disease. That gave Alec the idea for the metal breathing jacket.
U.S. CitizenIn 1882, Alexander Graham Bell because a U.S. citizen in Washington D.C.
MansionFour years later, just Alec moved back to Canada and used the money he made from the telephone to buy the supplies for his mansion. Seven years later, after tiring work, Alec finished his mansion and the rest of the family moved in and they spent the rest of their lives there.
The National Geographic Society2 years later in 1888 Alex became a member of the National Geographic Society.
HydrofoilNext, in 1909 Alec had another invention, the hydrofoil. It was a huge boat that went very fast. 10 years later, the hydrofoil broke a world record for speed. One of the heaviest boats went 79 mph.
Bell's Most Famous Invention: The TelephoneThe amazing telephone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell. It solved lots of problems in 1876, when it was first invented. The telephone solved problems like worldwide communication. No, it wasn’t his first invention, when he was 12 years old, he made the wheat husker. How has the telephone changed? Now there are hand held, wireless phones called cell phones. There are also radio phones.
Did the telephone fail at first, yes. The first time, Mr. Watson’s voice came across full of static so Alec couldn’t hear anything Mr. Watson said. After many failed attempts, (about 8 times) the telephone finally worked! The telephone successfully worked in 1876.
ConclusionIn conclusion, Alexander Graham Bell died in 1922 from complications from diabetes. He lived a happy life. By the way, did you know that the first telephone didn’t have a ringer? Instead you would have to yell into it and hope that somebody would pick up. Man, he should have thought of the ringer too.